Jul 28, 2020 | Coils, Colleges University HVAC, Commercial HVAC, Corona Virus, Covid 19, Dehumidifiers, Government Military, Healthcare HVAC, Hospitality HVAC, K-12 Education HVAC, Laboratories Labs HVAC, Manufacturing Industrial HVAC, Office HVAC, Virus
Colmac Coil’s Anti-Microbial Fin Material Kills Coronavirus Recent research has shown that Colmac Anti-Microbial Fin Material not only kills bacterial pathogens such as E.coli, but also very quickly inactivates (kills) coronaviruses. Read More...May 29, 2020 | Cannabis, Commercial Grow Rooms HVAC, Dehumidifiers, Desert-aire, Medical Grow Room HVAC Design
View the LC and LV Series video that highlights features and benefits of units for small indoor pools and general dehumidification. The Desert Aire’s LC Series (1 to 15 ton) and LV Series (3 to 8 ton) capacity small footprint size units with a detailed review of...Mar 9, 2020 | Adiabatic Cooling, Atomizing Humidifiers, Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers, Cannabis, Coils, Colleges University HVAC, Colmac Waterheat, Commercial Grow Rooms HVAC, Commercial HVAC, Dehumidifiers, Direct Steam Humidifiers, Government Military, Healthcare HVAC, Hospitality HVAC, Humidification, HVAC Solutions Sales Design Support, HygroMatic, K-12 Education HVAC, Laboratories Labs HVAC, Manufacturing Industrial HVAC, Medical Grow Room HVAC Design, NAPPS Technology, Nimbus, Office HVAC, Polaris, RODI, Shell and Plate Heat Exchangers, Trade Shows, UltraPure, Uncategorized, USA Coil & Air
Visit Our Booth at Ashrae Boston Product Show April 14, 2020! Booths #302 & #303 We proudly represent the following manufacturing partners. PDF Download of Fluid Transfer Products Line Colmac Coil Dry Cooler & Condensers Custom Heating & Cooling...